Have you stuck with your New Year’s Workout Resolution so far this year? Don’t worry if you haven’t. We’ve got you covered with this killer muscle-sculpting beach workout plan!
Good news: It doesn’t just have to be the New Year for you to start over. You can set new goals or just get started at your own pace, anytime you choose to.
It’s a new day tomorrow, so let’s drop some body fat, get stronger, and build our best body yet!
Here what you’ll need to start creating the best you, right now.
5 Ingredients Necessary To Crush The Gym
Let’s set the tone for dominating the next four weeks. You’re going to be dropping more body fat and building more strength than you have in the past four months.
For that to happen, I’m going to show you what you need in and around your training plan, show you how we’re going to achieve it, and then give you the actual plan for your next four weeks.
But first, let’s identify what you need to accomplish for all of this to happen.
Train Every Single Day
This is most likely the complete opposite of all the other advice you’ve heard. We’re always told to ease into working out or gently start eating healthier. We’re not going to do that. I like to do the complete opposite of what most people tell you to do. At my gyms, I specialize in transformations. The daily actions towards our goals is one of the fundamental components of my clients’ success.
There are seven days in a week. Use all of them, not just one or two. Train four to five days. Walk or run two to three. You don’t have to go hard every single day, but be active every single day — even when you don’t want to. In fact, this is especially important if this if this is brand new to you.
When you’re looking to make dramatic changes, all of your focus should be on achieving success. Otherwise, it’s going to be too easy to fall off track. Many people are looking to create a new habit, especially one that is completely different than one they have been doing, so you’ll be better off spending the majority of your time going after it.
Beef Up Your Training Plan
Making a delicious dish for most people is going to be more than just throwing a piece of meat on the George Foreman grill and serving it on a plate. The same thing applies to your training plan. [tweet_quote] Most workout routines lack all the ingredients that are needed to make dramatic changes. [/tweet_quote] They may have some of those ingredients, like lifting heavy or using methods to increase the density. And that’s it.
I want you to build muscle by increasing your workout volume, lifting heavier weights, using shorter rest periods, and controlling your tempos. When it comes to leaning out and really creating an awesome, dramatic change, every ingredient has to be accounted for in your training plan. Failing to address one will leave results hanging out the window.
Reset Your Nutrition
I think just about everyone is going to have the same thought around this time that you and I are having: I need to lose this fat. Many times when we’re drinking like a fish and eating every cookie known to man, we start screwing up our system. Especially if you already have higher body fat than you should.
Because of these reasons, we need to understand that we have to earn our carbs. If you’re in a position where your body is finding it easier to store body fat than to build muscle and lean out, you’re not alone. That’s because the higher your body fat, the easier it is for you to accumulate more. One the other end, the leaner you are, the more muscle you can build (and carbs you can demolish).
And the more you eat and drink unhealthy foods, the more you mess with your hormones, which also makes it easier to store body fat.
We’re going to fix this by reducing overall carbohydrate intake and timing of your carbs. I’m actually a fan of carbohydrates, as long as you can handle them, and if they fit your goal. Since our goal is to lean out (and chances are, we all could use a break from increasing the size and amount of fat cells), we’re going to take carbs in when they count the best.
During the next four weeks, only have carbs after your training sessions and with dinner. Aim for around .75 – 1.2 grams of carbs per lean pound of body weight (current body weight minus body fat). Since your carbs are going to be lower, you’ll need to increase your protein intake.
The best way to prevent you from losing all your muscle tone and from gorging on junk food is to fill your plate with satiating foods. Protein is your answer. Not only are you going to feel fuller during your meals, but you’ll also build more muscle and improve your strength gains. Aim for around 1.25 – 1.5 grams of protein per lean pound of body weight. Fill the rest of your calorie needs with around .3 grams of fat per lean pound of body weight.
Set Goals
Every plan should start with goals. Identify your goals for the next four weeks. Your goal might be to drop 5 pounds in two weeks or drop five percent body fat in one month. It could also be to add twenty pounds to your squat or deadlift.
[tweet_quote] Have goals that you can achieve and strive for. [/tweet_quote]
Have goals that are easily achievable. This will make the days when your brain says “No” and your body doesn’t seem like it wants to cooperate want to follow the plan.
If you go in there with just the general idea of getting in shape, your journey is going to be a long one filled with disappointment. Without goals, it’s going to be tough to measure your achievements or keep your interest.
Put Some Skin In The Game
Your biggest hurdle going into any new venture is sticking with your plan. There are going to be times when you doubt what you’re doing and you want to quit. This is absolutely normal and will happen to everyone.
An easy way to prevent this from happening is by putting your money where your mouth is. I’d encourage you to pick a charity of your choosing. Plan to donate whether or not you’re successful. Choose different tiers based on the goals you achieve. For instance, donate $100 for losing 5 percent body fat or $50 for 3 percent or less.
This is just an idea. Whatever it is, find something to compel you to complete the program.
So, Here’s How You’re Going To Do It
I just gave you a bunch of things you should be doing for the next four weeks, and it can feel overwhelming for some people.
My goal is to allow you to be as successful as possible. With that in mind, I’m going to show you how we’re going to accomplish this.
Get Strong With Strength Circuits
There’s no better motivation to continue going to the gym than when you start seeing results. And you know what? You’ll see changes on the scale and in the mirror in a short time. Even as quickly as two weeks.
[tweet_quote] Everyone wants instant gratification, and the easiest way to get that in the gym is by getting strong. [/tweet_quote]
If you want to see changes even sooner than that, start with weight training. By focusing on getting stronger, you can instantly feel the changes your work is creating. Putting more weight on the bar helps you see and feel your improvements immediately.
Start by picking 3-5 exercises and making them your priority. Your best options are going to be compound exercises like squats, bench presses, deadlifts or overhead presses.
Now, here’s the thing. This isn’t going to be the best option if your goal is dropping body fat fast. Yes, it’s a great long term approach, but we can make a small tweak to make this insanely effective for improving body composition.
That’s where strength circuits come in. A strength circuit would be pairing these compound exercises and performing them in succession while maintaining shorter rest periods in one knockout punch. Putting in more time with greater intensities and heavier weights will help you build muscle fast.
Build Muscle With Sets
The minimalist approach won’t be the most effective. And let’s be honest, basic supersets and straight sets for higher reps can get kind of boring. To solve our problem, we’re going to introduce giant sets!
Giant sets are simple. They’re four or more exercises performed in a superset fashion. They attack all of our needs from above with controlled tempos, higher time under tension, shorter rest periods, greater intra-set volume, and greater overall training volume.
Your Beach Workout Plan
This plan is a bit complex. You’ll notice in the workout below that there are a lot more than just the exercise and the reps.
The A’s, B’s and C’s are the exercise groupings. These are your supersets, tri-sets, and giant sets. Essentially the series of exercises for that grouping.
Next you’ll notice 4 numbers written like “2012” or “XXXX” written next to the exercise. This is what’s called the tempo, or speed of each movement.
The four numbers correspond to a certain point of each repetition. Eccentric, eccentric pause, concentric, concentric pause or (E-EP-C-CP). Always in that order even when an exercise starts with the concentric like a deadlift.
So, 20X0 for a bench press means lower the bar for 2 seconds, don’t pause on your chest, press the bar back to the start position as fast as possible (X means explode) and don’t rest at the top before starting another rep.
4 Weeks To A New You! This is not the easiest program in the world, but nothing worth doing is ever easy!
What this program will do is help you lose substantial body fat while building both muscle and strength.
Let’s create the best version of you yet!
(Your Next Workout: The 21-Day Ab Challenge)
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