These relaxing, awakening stretches are perfect for setting the tone for the rest of your day.
Some days, getting up and out of bed is easier than others. On those mornings when you’re hitting that snooze button a little extra, don’t let it put a damper on the rest of your day. Go easy on yourself, and take a few moments to follow this gentle yoga routine before getting up.
This simple, five-minute routine can change your mood for the better and set the tone for the entire day. It’ll help ensure that you wake up on the right side of the bed! This stretch routine is designed to be quick and easy to follow, with all poses flowing from one to the next.
If you are in a rush, you can move through the flow a little quicker, or just pick out a few of your favorites. If you have extra time, you may want to hold each stretch a little longer.
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Follow this in-bed stretch routine to gently shift your body awake, stretch out all the stiff, tight muscles, and go from cranky morning mess to prepped and ready to tackle the day.
Lying Breathing Exercise | 5 breaths
- Start by lying still with your legs extended and hands placed on your belly.
- Take a deep breath in through your nose and fill your lungs completely.
- Pause for a moment at the top of that breath, then allow the air to seep out from your nostrils slowly without helping it along.
- Take five full deep breaths like this, enjoying the moment, relaxing, and calming your thoughts.
Lying Twist in Bed | 3 breaths per side
- Lift your right knee up towards your hips.
- Use your left hand to guide that knee over towards your left side.
- Reach your right arm out long and look to the right to increase the twist sensation in your spine and hip.
- Take three deep breaths, then switch sides.
Lying Hamstring Stretch | 3 breaths per side
- Lying on your back, lift your right leg straight up and wrap your hands around the calf.
- Keep a slight bend in your knee and your foot relaxed so you can focus on stretching the hamstrings. The bottom leg should stay grounded but relaxed.
- Hold this stretch for three breaths, then gently lower the leg.
- Repeat on the other side.
Seated Forward Fold | 5 breaths
- Sit up tall with legs extended straight out in front of you.
- Reach forward towards your ankles and gently grip onto your feet or ankles with your hands.
- Allow your spine to round and head to relax forward.
- Do not force the stretch; rather, ease into it and focus on relaxing in the posture.
- Hold for five deep breaths.
Crossed Legs Forward Fold | 3 breaths per side
- Sit in a crossed-leg position.
- Walk your hands forward on the bed as far as you can to lower your head down, then rest your head on the backs of your hands.
- Take three deep breaths, then switch your hands so the other one is on top, and hold for another three breaths.
Puppy Pose in Bed | 5 breaths
- Start in an all-fours position.
- Walk your hands out as far as you can while maintaining your hips over your knees.
- Your arms should be straight with palms flat on the bed.
- Rest your forehead on the bed and take five deep breaths.
Pigeon Pose in Bed | 3 breaths per side
- Move back to your all-fours position, then raise your right knee up underneath your chest.
- Move your right foot towards the outside of your left hip, then lower your torso towards that knee while straightening your opposite leg behind you. Rest your head on the backs of your hands.
- Take three deep breaths, then lift back up to all fours and repeat on the other side.
Supported Hip Opener | 3 breaths per side
- Scoot your bottom very close to the headboard of your bed, about 2 or 3 feet away.
- Rest your right foot on the headboard so that your right knee forms a 90-degree angle. If you don’t have a headboard, use the wall.
- Cross your left ankle over your right knee and flex your foot.
- Gently increase the stretch by pressing your left knee with your left hand.
- Rest your right hand behind your head. Take three deep breaths, then switch sides.
Frog Stretch | 5 breaths
- Take a wide-legged, all-fours position.
- Flex your feet and turn them outwards so that toes are pointing towards the side walls.
- Lower down onto your elbows and rest your chest on the mattress. Rest your head on your hands.
- Stay for five deep breaths.
Eagle Arms | 3 breaths per side
- Sit in a kneeling position or any seated position most comfortable for you.
- Cross your right arm under your left and twist together so that your palms meet.
- Lift your elbows up to shoulder height to feel the stretch in your upper back.
- Take three deep breaths, then switch the cross of your arms and repeat.
(Your Next Workout: 10 Nighttime Yoga Poses You Can Do in Bed
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