If you’re looking to build strength and tone your arms from every angle, we’ve got a quick, 10-minute arm strength workout to get you pumped!
Functional arm exercises will not only make you strong for your workouts, but for your day-to-day life too. This 10-minute bodyweight workout for functional arm strength increases your coordination and flexibility, improves your balance and posture, and reduces your chance of injury through movements you perform every day.
For this arm strength workout, all you need is an exercise mat, towel or carpet. Go through the circuit performing the exercises back to back. After the last exercise, take a quick 30- to 60-second break and repeat the entire circuit one more time.
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10-Minute Bodyweight Workout for Functional Arm Strength
- Repeat as a circuit 2x
- Take a 60-sec break between circuits
The Walkout | 15 reps

- Begin standing with your feet hip-width distance apart. Keeping your core engaged, begin to bend at the hips and place your hands to the ground in front of your feet.
- Walk your hands out in front of you until you end up in a high plank position. Pause here to pull your belly in towards your spine and squeeze your glutes, and then begin to walk your hands back towards your feet.
- Bend slightly at the knees and stand all the way back up to the starting position.
Single Leg Crab Dip | 10 reps per side

- Begin sitting on the floor with your knees bent and your feet on the ground. Place your hands behind you with your fingertips pointing towards your feet. Lift your right leg and straighten it so that your flexed foot is reaching towards the ceiling.
- Exhale and press into your hands to straighten out your arms, lifting your hips towards the ceiling. Pause to squeeze your glutes, then inhale to lower your hips back towards the ground, tapping your butt. Keep your leg lifted the whole time and your abs engaged. Repeat for 10 reps then switch sides.
Tip: To modify, keep both feet on the ground as you do your dips.
Plank Press-Up | 8 reps per side

- Begin in a plank position on your forearms with your toes tucked and knees lifted. Squeeze your glutes and abs and keep your body in a straight line.
- Lift your right forearm up and place your hand on the ground below your right shoulder. Exhale, press into your right hand, and begin to lift your left forearm off the ground. Place your left palm on the ground underneath your left shoulder and straighten both arms to end up in a high plank position.
- Pause, then inhale, begin to lift your right hand off the ground and lower yourself down to your right forearm. Repeat on the left side, then back up to a forearm plank position. Repeat for 8 reps then switch sides using your left arm first.
Tip: To modify, lower to your knees for the entire exercise.
Triceps Press | 8 reps per side

- To begin, lie on your right side. Wrap your right arm around your stomach and place your hand on your left hip. Bend your left arm and place your left hand on the floor in front of you.
- Exhale and press into your left hand to straighten your left arm, performing a crunch with your left obliques. Inhale to slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position. Repeat for 8 reps then switch sides.
Shoulder Dips | 12 reps

- Begin on your hands and knees. Press into your hands and tuck your toes to lift your hips in the air, bringing you into a Downward Facing Dog position.
- Inhale and start to bend your elbows to lower your head towards the ground. Hover your head about an inch above the ground and exhale to straighten your arms back out to return to the starting position. Make sure to keep your abs engaged the entire time.
Tip: To modify, simply hold the V-shape with your body in a Downward Facing Dog position for 30 seconds.
Side Plank Tuck | 10 reps per side

- Begin in a high side plank position with your right hand on the ground and your feet stacked.
- Reach your left hand straight up towards the ceiling and keep your left hip pressing up towards the ceiling.
- Exhale to sweep your left hand down and underneath your body to perform a twisting motion. Inhale to lift your left hand back up towards the ceiling. Repeat for 10 reps then switch sides.
Tip 1: To modify, stagger your feet so the bottom foot is in front of the top foot.
Tip 2: To modify, lower to your bottom forearm.
(Your Next Workout: 21 Bodyweight Exercises to Build Functional Leg Strength)
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