If you’re feeling stiff from working at a desk all day, take just 60 seconds to reset your body with this quick routine.
As we all know by now, constant sitting leads to lack of mobility in the hips, shoulders, and spine.
Luckily, performing certain mobility exercises can help you to improve your posture, ease pain and stiffness, and prevent future injuries like throwing out your back.
Getting your mobility back doesn’t need to take long. In fact, you can do it in just one minute with the right exercises.
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Take one minute out of your busy day to hack your mobility and reawaken your hips, spine, and shoulders with these exercises. Perform each of these exercises back-to-back whenever you’re feeling hunched and stiff, or if you know you have a long day of sitting ahead of you.
How to Hack Your Mobility in 1 Minute
Windshield Wiper with Hip Pop Up | 6 reps
Increase circulation to the hips, lower back, shoulders, and spine with this easy mobility exercise.
- Begin seated on the floor or mat, with your knees bent and your feet on the floor.
- Place your palms down behind your hips to support you, keeping your shoulders and elbows relaxed.
- Inhale to lower both knees to the right. Then, exhale to press into your palms and lift your hips up towards the sky as high as you can. You should feel a stretch in your hips and shoulders.
- Lower your hips down and bring your knees back to center. Repeat in the other direction.
- Continue for a total of six reps.
Down Dog to Cobra | 5 reps
This exercise improves mobility by lengthening the hamstrings, opening the hips, shoulders, and chest, and warming the spine.
- Begin in a high plank position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists and your hips in line with your shoulders.
- Exhale to lift your hips high, bringing your body into an upside-down V-shape to come into your down dog. Engage your abs.
- Take an inhale to come into cobra by slowly lowering your pelvis to the ground and then lifting your chest up. Keep your shoulders down and bend your elbows more if your back feels tight.
- Exhale to use your abs to lift back up to down dog. Alternate between down dog and cobra for a total of five reps.
Squatting Twists | 6 reps
This exercise quickly increases mobility in your ankles, hips, thoracic spine, and shoulders.
- Begin standing with your feet slightly wider than hip-width distance and your toes pointing slightly outward.
- Slowly sit your hips all the way back and down towards the ground to come into a low squat position. Bring your palms together in front of your heart and press your thighs open with your arms.
- Place your right hand on your left shin, and inhale to twist your torso to the left. Lift your left arm straight up and back.
- Hold for a moment, then switch sides.
- Repeat for a total of six reps.
Thoracic Bridge | 6 reps
Here’s the perfect remedy to sitting all day. This bridge variation improves your thoracic and hip mobility while also improving stability in the shoulders and core.
- Stay in a low squat position. Lean back and place your right palm on the ground a couple of feet behind your right hip, with your fingers facing away from your body.
- Lean back into your palm and lift your hips up so that you are in a tripod position. Your knees should be stacked over your ankles and your shoulder stacked over your wrist.
- Lift your hip bones up towards the sky, keeping your right shoulder down and away from your ear. Reach your left arm across your body to the right for a gentle spinal twist.
- Lower your hips back down to the ground, place your left palm down behind you, and switch sides.
- Repeat for a total of six reps.
(Your Next Workout: 5 Yoga Poses to Awaken Your Hips After Sitting All Day
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