We're subjected to chemical toxins every day. Here are three of the worst toxins you regularly come into contact with - and how to avoid them. Not …

The Beginner’s Guide to Carb Refeeds
A “carb refeed” is strategically increasing your carbohydrate intake on specific days or meals. Here's how carb refeeds can help boost your …
Is There Such a Thing As a Healthy Cheat Day?
You’ve been good all week. It was tough, but you resisted the office pastries and drive-through windows. You kept things nice and Paleo… But now …
The Best 10-Minute Meditation
When people hear the word meditation, what generally comes to mind is having to sit cross-legged for a very long time. Most people tend to think of …
Daily Detox: The Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing
Dry skin brushing helps increase circulation, opens pores and truly invigorates your skin. Here are more reasons why you should do it every …
7 Nutrition Myths We Grew Up With in the 90s
Next time you’re out with friends, try a little experiment: Ask everyone their opinion on the healthiest way to eat. (Fair warning: you might need …
Your First 48 Hours Paleo: 5 Things You Need to Know
“What am I doing?” That single thought was looping in my mind. I was slumped over my desk at the office, slogging through emails with a raging …
Vitamin C: Facts and Myths
When you are compiling a list of beneficial foods and vitamins, I’m going to guess that fruits will make your list. And when it comes to health, no …
Why Sunlight Is the Ultimate Health Hack
How much sunlight do you get on a daily basis? Are you regularly exposed to the morning sun, or are you stuck inside a car or underground subway on …
12 Best Foods & Herbs To Boost Fertility
If you're trying to get pregnant and you’ve been subsisting on coffee, bagels and fast food, it’s time to rethink what you eat and boost fertility by …
The Ultimate Guide to Vitamin D
Over 41% of people in the United States are vitamin D deficient (1). So clearly, it’s not fatal in most cases, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a big …
How Much Protein Do You Need?
Like most things health and fitness, a seemingly basic question like “so, how much protein do I need?” can turn into a debate quickly. On one hand, …